Blooming Adventure

18. Feb 2019Allgemein, AUL, HAK

BHAK Wien 10 on the European Schoolnet Scene in Brussels, Belgium!

The 26th Science Projects Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab took place in Brussels, in January 2019, from Friday the 25th to Saturday the 26th. It was organised by the BLOOM – Boosting European Citizens’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bio-Economy Research and Innovation.

This meeting represented the third workshop of the BLOOM pilot teachers. It provided an excellent opportunity for these STEM pedagogical experts in bioeconomy to finalise their learning scenarios on various topics linked to the project. With the assistance of the four event facilitators, 16 teacher specialists from 10 different countries – Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden – exchanged their experiences in testing the Bioeconomy Future Classroom Scenarios and contributed with their elaborated expertise to shaping the development of the BLOOM Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which will be launched on the European Schoolnet academy on the 4th of March, 2019.

What role does the BHAK and BHAS Wien 10 play in the BLOOM Project? Together with two colleagues from Poland, Mag. Dr. Nikolinka Fertala and MMag. Bernhard Weikmann designed and implemented the learning scenario on “Examining the thermal properties of bio-based building materials”. The learning scenario was implemented on 29th of November, 2018. Students from three different classes – 3DK, 3BL and 5AK – attended the lessons and enjoyed them very much. Dr. Nikolinka Fertala had the pleasure to present the results of the implementation during the 26th workshop in Brussels.

Moreover, the workshop offered a session on “Teacher training impact exercise”. The aim of this session was to provide the participants with useful ideas on how to organise the teacher training on the Bloom school box in their respective country.

Finally, the international school completion, which will be undertaken in 2020, was discussed at the plenary stage during the meeting of the pilot teachers.
Retrospectively speaking, Dr. Fertala was again inspired by her attendance at the 26th Science Project Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab for her following teaching and research activities in the STEM area.

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